Ninja Excel BlogPeople Management[Step by step] Workplace well-being 2023: How to improve and enhance? 

[Step by step] Workplace well-being 2023: How to improve and enhance? 

Achieving high workplace well-being is one of the most ambitious and challenging goals of every company. And not only as a result of the pandemic that organizations ignited their motivation in enhance well-being. Es una política de constante desarrollo e innovación. En lugar de solo concentrar las acciones en seguros o medidas más tradicionales, el bienestar ahora va mucho más allá.

In accordance with research from the Gallup consulting firm, the costs of not fostering productivity “go far beyond insurance—ultimately impacting employee engagement, productivity, and performance.” In fact, according to latest studiesIn Latin America, almost eight out of every 10 people say they suffer from burnout (79%), that is, exhaustion and work fatigue.  

From work spaces, benefits, equipment, to creating instances of understanding and communication. All of them can be variables that influence work well-being. That is why, in this Ninja Excel article, we will help you land and apply workplace well-being in the most effective way in your organization. Let's review!

Definition: What is workplace well-being?

To better understand the measures or policies associated with workplace well-being, we must understand their scope and definitions well. Great Place To Work, one of the expert organizations in this matter, defines workplace well-being as the following: 

“a state in which the person feels connected, safe and satisfied with the conditions in which she carries out her work. “This is achieved thanks to a balance between the different aspects that determine the life of the worker in the company.”

In short, taking actions to improve this state can help employees manage stress, build relationships, increase productivity and reduce burnout. As the entity states, betting on developing workplace well-being will impact aspects such as staff retention, job satisfaction or team communication. 

Why is it important to improve workplace well-being? 

Improving workplace well-being is important by promoting the creation of a highly beneficial work environment for the worker. According to Economipedia, policies associated with well-being must provide adequate means for the promotion, growth and fulfillment of the worker. 

That is why the measures must be aimed at “ensuring the right to work in conditions of economic, physical and emotional security.”

Good execution of measures aimed at enhancing workplace well-being can achieve “reducir el absentismo y la rotación de personal […] making the company an attractive space to work and even attract good prospects in personnel recruitment.” 

4 benefits of promoting workplace well-being 

The benefits of promoting workplace well-being represent a win for both employers and workers. Let's review the main benefits here. 

1. Greater commitment of workers

In accordance with the American Institute of Stress, experiencing stressful situations at work is one of the main causes of lack of commitment and absenteeism. Addressing mental health through wellness programs can decrease stress rates. 

Increased commitment can have an impact on: greater work attendance, problem solving, improvement in communication, social relationships, among other aspects. 

2. Low turnover rate

Workplace wellness programs can help workers stay in companies where they feel appreciated and valued. As we have said, wellness programs reduce staff turnover and the level of absences. In addition, it facilitates the recruitment process and retention of workers. 

3. Better company culture

Wellness programs reflect what values the organization has. Executive support for employee well-being is a strong indicator that a company is a great place to work.

In Gallup statistics, a 71% from employees who have surveyed, “strongly defend their organization as a place to work,” if it has a wellness program. 

4. Greater productivity

According to the latest study of Bank of America, there are tangible effects of applying workplace welfare policies. According to a survey from 2022, companies are seeing notable improvements in productivity (50%), decreased stress (43%), morale (41%), and worker creativity and innovation (36%). 

In short, supporting employees with physical, mental, emotional and financial well-being services generates improvements in the environment. 

How to improve the well-being of workers in the company?: 11 aspects to review

Time to start some actions! Improving workplace well-being can start with some measures. Some may seem more complex than others, but it will surely be a starting point. For this, we will take the proposal of the Peter Warr vitamin model

According to the psychologist and professor, there are eleven characteristics of the workplace that act as “vitamins” to achieve workplace well-being. The aspects to review are: 

  1. Control opportunity: This characteristic refers to the opportunities for autonomy that the collaborator has. 
  2. Opportunity to use skills: It is the level at which the work environment enhances or inhibits the development and use of the worker's skills. 
  3. Goal creation:  This aspect is linked to the perception of achievement that an employee has in a company. 
  4. Variety of tasks: A variety of tasks stimulates the person psychologically and influences his motivation.
  5. Performance requirements and feedback. It refers to feedback from leaders and management. It is concerned with adjusting expectations between the worker-leader.
  6. Salary and financial rewards:  Having the security that you will receive an income that covers your needs will provide peace of mind. 
  7. A safe environment: The worker must be certain that the work environment is completely safe. 
  8. Favoring interpersonal relationships: Fostering interpersonal relationships “reinforces a person's well-being, motivation, and self-esteem,” according to Great Place To Work.
  9. Valued social position: Being in a job where the individual feels socially accepted and recognized will be positive. 
  10. Career development opportunity: Related to real opportunities to grow and improve as a professional.
  11. Existence of equity: Perceive that there is fair and equal treatment in the workplace.  

How to promote workplace well-being in companies? 4 ideas

There are a series of actions to promote the workplace well-being of companies. Some ideas and actions that you can take in your company to promote it are the following. 

Create the conditions for a positive and collaborative work environment

This can be generated through initiatives that build teamwork, such as random meetings between company members. Also the celebrations of dates, promotions or new achievements of the company in general are perfect instances to create meetings. 

Offer training programs and/or experiences

Enhancing the technical or soft skills of collaborators is always welcomed. From a Capacitation needs' detection, you can know in which areas it is necessary to improve.

Measures to promote balance between personal and work life

Labor flexibility policies, whether in the schedule or in the workplace, are an example of a policy that promotes workplace well-being. Ease of vacations or permits for procedures and emergencies are also included as measures in this type.

Promote initiatives to improve physical and mental health

Not everything should be summarized in group insurance or discounts. Organizations can also promote spaces for communication and physical activity during the same work day. 

6 Steps to Create a Worker Wellness Program

The following are some basic steps to implementing a successful wellness program. Let's review! 

1. Set goals that will benefit both the company and the people

It is important to understand that all parts of the program provide benefits to both staff and the company. 

2. Set up a dedicated team

Creating a comprehensive wellness program takes a lot of time and work. It is advisable to form a good team capable of handling the project. 

3. Collect data

It is important to investigate in which areas or aspects work well-being measures should be reinforced. You can do this either in meetings or surveys. 

4. Make a plan

After collecting the right data, you must develop the goals of the wellness program and the strategies that can be used to achieve them. 

5. Spread the program

The wellness program must be disseminated and understood in the organization. It is important at this point to emphasize the importance of well-being and the positive effect it will have on their lives.

6. Get feedback and perfect the plan

A good workplace wellness plan must be constantly optimized. Do feedback It is an excellent opportunity to hear new ideas and feedback to improve the program. 

Periodista y editor de contenidos en Ninja Excel con 5 años de experiencia en tratar temas de recursos humanos y capacitación corporativa. Me apasiona investigar y crear contenido práctico y relevante que ayude a los profesionales a mejorar sus habilidades y conocimientos en el ámbito laboral. Si buscas información clara, concisa y enfocada en resultados, ¡estás en el lugar correcto!

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